Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Volcanic Galapagos

The Galapagos Islands were formed from volcanic activity over a hot spot in the pacific ocean crust. The ocean plate on which the islands sit is in motion to the east. which is causing new islands to be formed on the west side of the archipelago.

All of the islands we visited had exposed lava, ash or scoria, some of it was formed within the last 200 years.

Whale Bay on Santa Cruise Island
Santiago Island had a trail over pahoehoe lava. There was evidence of vegetation being caught up in the most recent lava flow. The formation in the photo below was created by a tree trunk being caught in the lava, and burned up as the lava cooled, leaving a tube.

Evanna in a lava sinkhole
Lava flows on Santiago Island
Santiago Island
Bartholome Island
From the high point on Bartholome Island
Fernandina Island

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