Tuesday, June 05, 2012

In the Towns

Cities in Provence are not car-friendly, mainly due to lack of parking space, and since we had a car we mainly toured the countryside and the smaller cities.  We enjoyed Arles and Nimes on day trips, and we spent one night in Orange.  Those three cities have notable Roman ruins. The other places we stayed at were in small villages.

Our B&B in Paradou, about half an hour from Arles. This lavender colour is the most common one used for painting shutters.  Maybe there is a tax break for using this colour...?

Inside the Roman Arena in Arles

St. Trophime Cloisters in Arles

Cloisters in Espace Van Gogh in Arles

Enjoying some Gelato in Arles

Appetiser of Eggplant and Chèvre at a restaurant specializing in Provencal dishes

Evanna with the village of Les Baux in the background

Kathy with the castle ruins of Les Baux in the background

Castle ruins at Les Baux at night

The Roman Arena in Nimes

The Roman Theatre in Orange, the only Roman Theatre in Europe with its acoustic wall still standing 

At a riverside cafe in Nyons with the Roman bridge in the background. We needed a drink after stomping around the large and lively market.

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