Monday, April 23, 2012

We Like Red Rocks

As we left the Death Valley are we came upon this spectacular road cut composed of red and black obsidian (volcanic glass) and felsic volcanic ash. Notice the Girl Guide geological field trip. Yay, Girl Guides!

Farther along this road cut was this beautifully exposed fault. Quiz time for geology students--Is this a normal or a reverse fault?

Rapid uplift, lack of vegetation and desert type erosion reveal these zigzag patterns in alternating, inclined light and dark volcanic rock layers.

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is about half an hour west of Las Vegas. We took the scenic drive and did a hike in the park. Guess what!? More Triassic dune crossbeds!

Some of the wildlife on the trail. Sune and Fendi found them most interesting, but they were totally non-plussed by our dogs and several others on the trail in this state park without rules that banish dogs from trails. One reason we were given for dog banishment is that bighorn sheep will avoid areas where dogs are. Yeah, right!

Big Horn Sheep

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