Sunday, June 16, 2013

Birding the Rio Grande Valley - Part Two

More from South Padre Island

American Avocets and two Black-necked Stilts

Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks perched on a roof

Yellow-crowned Night-heron

Sora Rail

Snowy Egret

Another alligator

Sleeping Black Skimmers

Portuguese Man-o'-war jelly fish

Sabal Palms Bird Sanctuary, Brownsville, Texas

Although this refuge is not part of the World Birding Centre, we spent a morning at Sabal Palms where the highlight was seeing a female crimson-collared grosbeak.  This bird is a rare visitor to Texas from Mexico and is often secretive and difficult to see.  She was hungry and was feeding from apples the staff put out in their feeder area, so we were able to get a picture of her.  No male crimson-collared grosbeak was seen while we were there.

Female Crimson-collared Grosbeak

Tufted Titmouse

Red-eared Turtle

Back to the World Birding Centre locations:

Estero Llano Grande (Weslaco)

Great Kiskadee  A handsome flycatcher we also saw in Ecuador and Colombia

Ringed Kingfisher-- Photo taken with long lens. He was across the lake.

Fulvous Whistling-Duck


Old Hidalgo Pump-house

Couch's Kingbird

Quinta Mazatlan (McAllen)

Curve-billed Thrasher

Great Kiskadee displaying rarely seen yellow patch on top of head

Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley (Mission)

Great Kiskadee

Hooded Oriole